Friday, February 28, 2014

2/28 Tech Article

New ultrasound finger scanner have found their way to be used in keys.
Like the iPhone 5s, you program it to open your car to your fingerprint only.
It is a better alternative than manually having to open doors such as your car, or at home or work. It has a battery that lasts for several months. Your biometric data is stored in the key fob to prevent people from hacking into it.Click for article

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Do Now 2/25

I learned that copy writing protects your work from being mooched off of others. I didn't believe it was a severe punishment, but the consequences can be severe. It is important to know to be careful with how you use other people's work to not cause any problems.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tech Article 2/24

Neuroscientist's iPad App can Train Your Brain to See Farther

Aaron Seitz, a neuroscientist from the University of California, created an app that when used repeatedly, would condition users to see farther.
It's called Ultimeyes and was tested on a team of baseball players in which it increased their eyesight by 31% 
It doesn't improve your physical eyes or eye muscles, it strictly works on the brain by rewiring it to perform certain advanced functions.
It works by presenting several faded objects on the screen and forcing the user to identify different patterns.
Users do this constantly as each round of patterns becomes harder than the last.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

       In the beginning of Mr. Porfido's Web 2.0 class, I expected to learn many new things. Such as learning to edit videos and other types of content, learn different shortcuts to help me use my computer faster and more efficiently, and use different search engines. So far, I have learned about how technology has a great impact on the world. It has changed the way we communicate with others, how we spend our free time, and it has changed our expectations on how fast we expect everything to be.           I enjoy many things about Web 2.0 one thing being that I am constantly using the computer. I enjoy using technology and being able to be surrounded by it for one period makes my school day a lot more fun. Other aspects of the class that I enjoy are our commercial projects that we we might be doing at the end of the year and our tech articles that are nice to hear about at the end of the week.
           Mr. Porfido is my Web 2.0 teacher at Wood-Ridge High school. His grading is simple and rather easy to understand. Formal assesments count as 40% percent grading as well as weekly projects. Homework and class participation each count as 10% separately.